
EMX125 European Championship: Doensen rises above to get victorious at Maggiora

EMX125 European Championship: Doensen rises above to get victorious at Maggiora The hilly circuit of Maggiora Park welcomed the EMX125 European Championship for their seventh round of the 2024 campaign and that offered the public a great show. Due to the race direction decision, the EMX125 got cancelled and we were spoiled with an intense one-race round. It was Racestore KTM Factory Racing’s Gyan Doensen who lit up the race and completely control the race to get on the top step of the podium and come back closer in the championship behind Fantic Factory Racing EMX125’s Noel Zanocz. What a great start from TM moto SteelsDrJack‘s Brandon Rispoli leading Gyan Doensen, his teammate Nicolò Alvisi and Tom Brunet from Jezyk Racing Team after the first corners. It was another tough start for red plate Noel Zanocz Zanocz as he emerged in 13th place. Other riders that are used to see
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SEC: Lebedevs wins Final 1

SEC: Lebedevs wins Final 1 Final 1 of the Speedway Euro Championship 2024 series took place in Debrecen, Hungary, and saw Andzejs Lebedevs claim the victory in a single round for the first time in his career. But it was
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