FIM Europe News

FIM Europe Congress 2024 – Day 1

FIM Europe Congress 2024
Day 1

First day of activities in Fiumicino for the FIM Europe family with the Sporting and Beyond Sporting Councils.

The 28th edition of the FIM Europe Congress officially kicked off today in Fiumicino, Italy, with the first meetings of a weekend full of activities.

For the third time, Italy is hosting this esteemed gathering with the precious support of the FMI, the Italian Federation, that today welcomed representatives and members of the National Federations part of the FIM Europe.
As scheduled, the Sporting and Beyond Sporting Councils met to take stock of the current season and the upcoming events.

Mr Manuel Marinheiro, Chairman of the Sporting Council, had the occasion to discuss with his Chairmen, that tomorrow will reunite their commissions for the usual mid-season meetings. The reports of the activities of all disciplines were analysed in the presence of the FIM Europe President, Mr Michal Sikora.

Michal Sikora, FIM Europe President
“Today we started our first Sport and Beyond Sport meetings within fantastic conference facilities of Hilton Rome Airport Hotel. Everything is ready to start a weekend filled with Commissions’ meetings, the General Assembly and last but not least – an important event held for the first time – the FIM Europe Policy Conference”.

Manuel Marinheiro – Chairman of the Sporting Council
“Here we are in Fiumicino for the 28th FIM Europe Congress. On this first day I had the opportunity to meet the Chairmen of the Sporting Commissions. They presented their reports and together we analysed the current season, which is running smoothly. The International Continental Games have been presented to the Chairmen. I wish all the FIM Europe family a great Congress”.

The Chairman of the Beyond Sporting Council, Mr Roy N. Wetterstad, met the three Chairmen of the Beyond Sporting Commissions.

Roy N. Wetterstad – Chairman of the Beyond Sporting Council
“We have an exciting weekend ahead of us, starting with the Beyond Sporting Council Meeting. Our Commission’s Chairmen have intense discussions about environment, touring activities and organizational and political issues. We are looking forward to the Policy Conference we are launching tomorrow. Leading voices from the world of motorcycling, politicians and experts will discuss challenges for motorcycling, both in mobility and sport”.

Tomorrow the schedule foresees the Management Council, the Commissions and Panels’ meetings and the 2024 FIM Europe Policy Conference, a key feature of this year’s Congress.

FMI – Italian Motorcycle Federation
FIM Europe Congress