
European 125 Youth Track Racing Cup: Franciszek Szczyrba is the new champion

European 125 Youth Track Racing Cup:
Franciszek Szczyrba is the new champion

Twenty-four riders from eleven countries aged 12-15 fought in twenty-five heats for the title of the European 125 Youth Track Racing Cup in Žarnovica, Slovakia.

Thanks to the perfect job of the organizers, the race took place on a very well-prepared track despite the hot weather of the past few days.

Twelve-year-old Polish Franciszek Szczyrba won the race without losing a point after five winning runs. Latvian Andzejs Smulkevics finished second, scoring 18 points in the race. The fight for the title was fierce as three riders had just three points less than the winner: Polish riders Dawid Oscenda and Mieszko Mudlo, and German Levi Bohme. He defeated both Polish in the run of heat for the bronze medal.

Top three

  1. Franciszek Szczyrba, POL, 20 points
  2. Andzejs Smulkevics, LAT, 18 points
  3. Levi Böhme, GER, 17+4 points

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