


First day of Enduro European Championship in Casanova di Staffora (Italy)

fim europe
The first day at the third round of the Enduro European Championship (EEC) in Casanova di Staffora / Italy was won by the British rider Tom Sagar on his KTM: he was 51 seconds in front of the reigning Champion Maurizio Micheluz and his countryman Jacopo Cerutti – Both couldn’t take time from their “home-advantage”. Micheluz took the second place in the last of the six tests – which came together to 50 minutes: “I know, Jacco was only fife seconds far, so I pushed as hard as possible.” This helped him to win this enduro-test with 8 seconds in front of Cerutti and so he took the second place of the day. With this we already have the the winner of three main classes. The E1-Class was won by Suzuki-rider Maurizio Micheluz with nearly 50 seconds in front of the Swiss Jonathan Rosse on the Yamaha and the British
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Road Racing

Team Speedway U21 EC final in Herxheim (Germany)

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The Final in Team Speedway U21 European Championship took place in Herxheim, Germany on a warm and sunny afternoon. After 20 very exciting heats with good track conditions and on a very high sporting level the numerous spectators have seen the victory of a very strong team from Poland. Strong and hard but fair fight on the following places brought the result to see the team from Denmark on the second place on the day of DMU`s 100 years anniversary. Third place went to the team from Czech Republic and the young team Germany could only finish on the fourth place. Due to the perfect organization in Herxheim, the three winning teams received their FIM Europe medals exactly 2,5 hours after the start of the first heat.    Download here FIM Europe Press Release 097/2014  
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Presentation of the Enduro EC round in Casanova di Staffora (Italy)

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The Enduro European championship is on the way to the third round: Next weekend (28th / 29th of June) it will take place in Casanova di Staffora, in the Northern part of Italy, little bit east of the line between Milano and Genova (Mailand – Genua). More than 120 riders from 13 different nations are expected. On both days they have to complete for three times the track of 50 km and three special-tests each round. The reigning overall-champion Maurizio Micheluz is in his home-country and used to the area and the ground and will try to defend his current leadership. But behind the Italians are already 4 British riders in wait. Among them, the reigning champion of the E2-class Tom Sagar, who has already conquered three stage victory in a row. Most of the riders you find in the attached entry-list: not included is the reigning-champion and leader in
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Introduction to Trial EC round in Tanvald (Czech Republic)

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Decisive moment for the 2014 FIM Europe Trial Championship in this coming week-end in Tanvald, North of Czech Republic. For the first time two competitions, both valid for the European Championship, Junior Cup and Over 40 Cup will be held in the same event, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Being the third and the fourth round in the series consisting of five events, there are real possibilities to crown the first champions. Starting form its first time in 2009, Tanvald continues to be a constant location in the organization of European events. Its "closed" circuit, completely off road, confirmed to be ideal to let young talents ride their motorcycles without the restrictions for public roads. Moreover, being the loop quite short and in a wonderful forest, it is easy and pleasant for spectators to follow the whole competition. Eyes locked on the uncertain fight in the top class.
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Road Racing

Road Racing Hill Climbing second round in Carpasio (Italy)

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The second round with two races of the Road Racing Hill Climb European Championship was held this weekend at Carpasio/Imperia. The circuit in Northern Italy was back this year in calendar. The weather conditions were typical for June: sunny, fog and little rainy alternating. But everything was well organised and both race heats were very interesting. Next round is scheduled on the 12th and 13th of July in Chatel-St-Denis (Switzerland).    Download here FIM Europe Press Release 092/2014  
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Second round of Extreme Enduro European Cup in Petra Neamt (Romania)

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Romanian Zen World Extreme Moto-Club organised last weekend the second round of the FIM-Europe Extreme Enduro European Cup in the beautiful mountain surroundings of Piatra Neamt city. More than 5.000 spectators gathered in different areas of the track to see the battle between the top riders of Extreme Enduro. Jonny Walker (KTM) managed to win the Prologue of the event on Friday, giving him the first starting position for Day 1. Second for the Prologue was British rider Graham Jarvis (Husqvarna) while Spanish Alfredo Gomez (Husqvarna) and British Paul Bolton (KTM) tied for third and fourth. Winner of previous edition of HEPN Graham Jarvis (Husqvarna) did not appreciate being one step down then what he was used to and started Day 1 with only one goal: overtaking Jonny Walker (KTM) and gapping him in order to better his time for the first day in the mouintains which is exactly what
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EMX65 and EMX85 SW in Fernao Joanes (Portugal)

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Today was last round of the South West leg of the EMX 65 and EMX 85 Motocross European Championship held in Fernao Joanes ( Portugal ). There were present 16 riders to EMX 85 and 14 riders to EMX 65. During two days weather condition was good. First race to EMX 85 won Pancar Jan from Slovenia,second was Charlier Maxime from France and third was zanotti andrea from San Marino.Second race won Charlier maxime from france,second was Pancar Jan from Slovenia and third was Zanotti Andrea from San Marino. First race to EMX 65 won Tomas Eric from Spain,second was Braceras david from Spain and third was Ramos jorge from Spain. Second race wonTomas Eric from Spain,second wasRamos Jorge from Spain and third was Congost Gerard from Spain The final round of EMX65 and EMX85 European Championship will be held on the 13th of July in Hyvinkaa (Finland).    Download
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EMX65 and EMX85 NW and EMX Open in Jinin (Czech Republic)

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On a very well prepared track in a nice surrounding near to the City of Strakonice we had this weekend under best weather conditions the 5th round of European North-West Group Qualification in the 2 Youth Classes EMX65 and EMX85 as well as Round 6 of the European Open Class. On Sunday the summer entered Just in time with blue sky and temperatures over 20° C! In the EMX65 race 1 holeshot went to Rasmus Pedersen. He was leading the whole race (as all training sessions) and won this 1. Heat with big distance in front of Noel Nilsson. Also positions 3 to 5 were not changed over total race ttime. 3rd got Nikita Kucerov (RUS with MUL licence), 4th Ben Hess and 5th Constantin Piller, both Germans. In heat 2 holeshot went again to Rasmus Pedersen. He was leading again the whole race and won the 2. Heat with
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EMX125 and Honda EMX150 4 Stroke in Teuschenthal (Germany)

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The fifth round of the EMX125 and the third round of the EMX150 4 stroke Motocross European Championships were held this weekend in the German track of Teuschenthal. In the EMX125 class, the overall winner was German Brian Hsu (Suzuki) with victory in both heats. Second position went to Italian Joakin Furbetta (KTM) with second position in both heats. Third overall position went to Latvian Tomass Sileika (KTM). In the provisional rankings leader is still Dutch Davy Pootjes (KTM) with 185 points followed by Hsu with 178 points. In the EMX150 class overall winner was British rider Albie Wilkie (Honda) with a second position and a first position in the second heat. Second overall with two three positions German Eric Schwella. Winner of the first heat Finnish Jere Haavisto. Provisional rankings see Jere Haavisto leading with 114 points, followed by British Albie Wilkie with 100 points. The next round of
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