

FIM Europe News

FIM Europe MAG: the new issue is on line

FIM EUROPE Mag 1-2015
 The new issue of FIM Europe MAG is online and can be downloaded here. Among the articles, the news on the activity of FIM Europe, from the FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions meeting in Rome to the start of the season of MXGP Academy, but also the commitment of FIM Europe to the initiatives for Road Safety, a review of European participation in Team Events, up to the presentation of European Stock 250 4 Strokes Championship with Jan Witteveen.  As for sporting news, an interview to Michael van der Mark, too: the World Supersport champion explains how important was his experience in the European Stock 600 Championship, which he won in 2012.  
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FIM Europe News

FIM Europe Drag Racing European Championship Calendar Update

Drag Racing new calendar
Despite best efforts made by FIM Europe and for reasons outside of their control, it is with great regret that the second round of the Drag Racing European Championship that was scheduled to be held at Alastaro, Finland on 2-5 July 2015 has had to be cancelled. The Finnish Federation (SML) has formally notified FIM Europe that the organiser has withdrawn their application to host this event.The update calendar has now been changed to the following: FIM Europe and FIM Europe Drag Racing Commission are very concerned by this decision, but will be working with all interested parties to reinstate the Finnish round in the 2016 Calendar.
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FIM Europe News

2nd FIM Europe Weight Training Workshop, Graz, Austria 20th-22nd March 2015

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The 1st FIM Europe Weight Training Workshop The FIM Europe has organized, in collaboration with the European Weightlifting Federation, the 2nd Weight Training Workshop. The Workshop is addressed to FIM Europe FMNs Trainers, even to those who participated at the 1st edition. In fact will be presented also updates deriving from the scientific studies carried out in the past year. Also Trainers coming from other FIM CONUS will be welcomed at the Workshop. The initiative is a confirmation of the partnership strategy between FIM Europe and other sports federations.Which is the role of strength in the performance of the rider?What are the differences that characterize the use of strength in the various disciplines of Motorcycling?What means should be used for the development of strength?What can be the role of weight training?Is it better to use fixed weights or free weights for strength training of the riders?The Workshop points to give a
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FIM Europe News

FIM in Europe says: Let the riders write the law

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From the left Silvio Manicardi, FIM Europe Vice President, John Chatterton-Ross FIM Public affairs director, Dolf Willigers, just appointed FEMA Secretary General, Thomas Linget, FIM consultant, Jesper Christensen FIM CAP Director Bruxelles - The RIDERSCAN project is arriving to its completion. On the 2nd of February there was a panel discussion of the outcomes of the RIDERSCAN project. Co-funded by the European Commission, the RIDERSCAN project gathers existing information on motorcycle safety in Europe, identifies needs for action and creates a cross-border knowledge-based network. The Forum consisted of a full day Workshop where these important sessions were scheduled:Knowledge - What do we know over motorcycling safety? Research status Accessing Motorcycling - Safer and better access to Powered Two Wheelers? Road Environment Environment – Safer roads PTWs, from design to maintenance Safety Messages – Communicating with the riding community Strategies – Priorities and key measures for the next decade.The following day the
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FIM Europe News

David Knight wins the first round of FIM Europe X-Treme Enduro Cup

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The European season of races has officially started: the opening event was the first race of Enduro Extreme Cup, in Bradford, Great Britain. It was an involving race and at end the winner was the three times enduro world champion fron Isle of Man David Knight. The journalist Bob Mullins of provided a full report of the event. «It was hard, really hard, all of it, not just one bit, the hardest one yet!» said KTM rider David Knight following his outstanding win.The weather was very kind, providing a dry day with sunshine at times and a course which was wet in places, dry in others but designed to test all levels of rider to their maximum. Knighter described the mud as ‘claggy’, sticking to the bikes and in the tyres and making the going difficult in places, quite different conditions to last year’s very cold event at Tong.
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FIM Europe News

Jan Witteveen presented in Italy the European Stock 250 4 Strokes Championship

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Yesterday in Trieste in the contest of the presentation of Alpe Adria Team Italia, the rules of the new European Stock 250 4 Strokes Championship were introduced to the Italian public, with the favours of the local administration of the city.  Special guest of the evening was Jan Witteeven, the Dutch engineer winner of more than 40 world championships in off-road and GP racing.Mr Witteveen explained the technical characteristics of the motorcycles which are allowed to take part to this new European Championship, strongly wanted by FIM Europe to give young riders a cheap, "easy" series where they can move their first steps in a Continental contest.   Jan Witteveen at the presentation of European Stock 250 4 Strokes Championship in Trieste.   "This series is the idea which was really missing", Mr Witteveen commented. "Passing from mini-bikes to Moto3 is hard, the Stock 250 4 Strokes series is the perfect middle
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FIM Europe News

Safer Motorcycling in Europe

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Simulated crash test with helmet not properly fixed in front of schoolboys "How to tackle motorcycle safety challenges for the next decade?" This is the question to which RIDERSCAN project will commit to give an answer.  The EU co-financed RIDERSCAN project, a European Scanning Tour for Motorcycle Safety, in fact, is aiming at taking a magnifying glass and look at Member States' relevant expertise (motorcycling and road safety experts) to draw recommendations to improve motorcycle safety in Europe.

 The safety of motorcyclists - and their protection against the risk and consequences of an accident - is a subject of paramount importance, not only for motorcyclists, but for the community in general. While the number of motorcyclist deaths has been steadily decreasing over the last two decades, the dip has been slower than for other road users, in part due to the increase in fleet size that occurred over the same
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FIM Europe News

FIM Europe Non Sporting Commissions Meetings

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The participants to the FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings Today in Fiumicino the first meeting was held of Non-Sporting Commissions after FIM Europe Congress in Cracow and the election of president Dr Wolf­gang Srb last July. CAP (Public Affairs) Commission continues its work under the same chairmanship while Touring and Marketing Commissions  have found their new chairmen in Nils Freivalds  for Tourism and Stijn Rentmeesters  for Marketing.As for the Touring Commission, the idea has been pursued of having representatives from all over Europe, from North to South, in order to have different visions of the use of motorcycle and therefore both proposals of general and regional interest.«This first meeting of the Non-Sporting Commissions after the Congress in Cracow was very positive», comments Silvio Manicardi, FIM Europe Vice-President. «There has been a strong participation from everybody, with an important contribution from FIM Commissions Directors, who have been invited for the first time to participate to the
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FIM Europe News

Joint planning for 2015 FIM-FIM Europe activities

Meeting FIM FIMEurope 15 January 2015
From the left, Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe Secretary General, Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President, Vito Ippolito, FIM President and Ignacio Verneda, FIM CEO On January 15th at the offices of the FIM in Mies a  meeting was held between the FIM and FIM Europe for careful planning the 2015 joint activities. The year promises to be full of events related to the institutional commitments, sports and non-sports and numerous projects in the pipeline, but for this reason it will be surely also generous in satisfaction. Among the topics discussed in a joint session, but also in separate tables at political and executive level, the following themes: revision of the Statutes, Strategic Planning, Governance, Ethics Committee, relations with EU, organization of offices in the new building of the FIM in Mies, harmonization of rules, periodic meetings, subsidies for the projects, sporting issues and recognition of volunteers. “I am very happy that
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FIM Europe News

Always top of the sporting agenda: European Team Events

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  The highlights of the motorsport season are without any doubt the team events: the best and fastest riders of a Country, united in a national team, compete for one of the most important achievements in our sport: the title of “European Team Champion”. There is a big variety of nearly all disciplines, from Motocross to Enduro, from Track Racing to Vintage, from Road Racing to Motoball. The competition as well as the tradition is growing by the year, and so is the fan base.  “It is a big honour for every rider, male or female, to be selected for the National Team and to represent the colours of the Country", comments Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President. "They all participate with pride and enthusiasm and get cheered by the fans. It is an unforgettable experience for every rider. I am very happy about the ongoing support of the National
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