

Road Racing

European Superstock and Supersport 2018 Provisional Calendar

The provisional calendars of European Superstock 1000 and Supersport 600 for 2018 have been issued. Like last year, the Supersport Cup has been confirmed and will be held in the context of the European races of the World Series. Both for the European Superstock 1000 and Supersport 600 the season will start at Aragon, in Spain, on April 13-15 and will end at Magny Cours, in France, on 28-30 September, for a total of 8 rounds. Here below the full provisional calendar.      
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FIM Europe NewsNon-Sporting

FIM Europe at the FIM and FIVA new meeting in Rome (Italy)

In the last days at the FIM Europe headquarters in Rome (Italy) the third meeting was held between FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) and FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens). These meetings have the purpose to promote the collaboration between the two organisations both at World and European level. FIM Europe was present at the meeting with Silvio Manicardi, FIM Europe Second Deputy president. From the left Palmino Poli, Chairman of FIVA Motorcycle Commission, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Member of FIM Touring and Leisure Commission, Natasa Jerina, FIVA Motorcycle Commission General Secretary, Bjorn A. Hvaleby, member of the FIVA Motorcycle Commission, and Silvio Manicardi, FIM Europe Second Deputy President Many items have been discussed, and the progresses were analysed, deriving from the cooperation of the associations, in particular about the participation to the respective events, considering that the swapping of information creates a stronger presence of historical PTW in the political world.
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European Classic Series at Aragon (Spain)

The last 4h race of the 2017 ECS started at the Motorland Aragon racetrack. Racing conditions were very good, with a temperature in the mid 20º and a beautiful Spanish sunshine. Twentysix teams made the trip to Alcañiz and were present in the morning at the start of the practice sessions. Six qualifying and one night practice followed without any problems on the track. Although some teams had a lot of work to solve mechanical problems, all the bikes are ready for the race on Saturday afternoon. Regarding to the standings after the first 3 rounds, there is a fierce competition all over the classes. On Maxi Classic there are 3 teams, Team Taurus, Neate Racing and Sweatshop Phase One #4, that can win the class. On Classic 1000 the classification is even tighter with 8 teams capable of winning a place on the final podium. On the 750TT class,
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FIM Europe News

The new FIM Europe MAG is online

FIM Europe MAG 5-2017 high 1
The new issue of the MAG is online at the following link: In this issue, all the updates about the FIM Europe activities and in particular the report and a large photo-gallery of the FIM Europe Experience in France and an interesting interview to Tilke circuit designers. Furthermore, an update on the MXGP Academy, the meeting of the Nordic Motorsport Council, the international meetings for road safety and many other news.  
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FIM Europe News

First session of Sporting Commission Meetings in Fiumicino (Italy)

The FIM Europe Commission Meetings have been opened by the first session of Sporting Commissions, which will be followed by the second session of Sporting Commissions in November and by the Non-Sporting Commissions next January. The meeting was held, as in the past, in Tiber Hotel in Fiumicino, near Rome (Italy). In this first session, the meeting of Road Racing, Motocross, Enduro, Trial and Drag Racing Commissions were held, with the participation of the Sporting Council Chairman Mr Martin de Graaff and of FIM Europe Secretary General Mr Alessandro Sambuco. Joining the meeting, also Mr Fabio Muner, FIM Sports Director, Mr Tony Skillington, FIM CMS Director, Mr Thierry Michaud, FIM CTR Director and Mr Rezso Bulcsu, FIM CCR Director. “The presence of FIM directors is important for the cooperation with FIM and for the harmonization of rules between FIM and FIM Europe”, Mr Martin de Graaff stated. “All Commissions prepared the 2018 seasons, concerning rules and
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FIM Europe News

Milestone in the European Street Freestyle

Yesterday in Fiumicino (Italy) a promoting contract was signed between FIM Europe and Street Freestyle Sport Ltd. For the first time this spectacular discipline will have its promoter at Continental level. The contract foresees the promotion for the next five years, and already in 2018 there will be a Cup Series based on four/five events and from 2019 a European Championship is scheduled. From the left: Martin de Graaff, Fabio Muner, Dr Wolfgang Srb, Rezso Bulcsu, Imre Ujhelyi, Martin Hejduk, Attila Nagy «At the moment there are many events out of official rules», stated Mr Ujhelyi Imre, «and the this the way to guarantee safety for the riders, rules for the discipline and prevent that non-official races will go on». «I am very happy that we can enlarge the field of our activities with Street Freestyle, a most spectacular discipline», stated Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President. «I am looking forward to exciting competition in
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FIM Europe News

Pyramid in Road Racing Working Group at Fiumicino (Italy)

Today the Working Group of Road Racing Specialists from several Federations, including a representative from Dorna attended the meeting at the Hotel Tiber of Fiumicino in order to develop a Pyramid model for Road Racing. Like in Motocross it must be possible for young riders to start the career with affordable costs to achieve a higher level in European Championships with finally the goal to perform in the World Championship. From the left: Ejgil Solkaer, Martin Hejduk, Dieter Porsch, Oscar Gallardo, Simone Folgori, Dr. Wolfgang Srb, Alessandro Sambuco, Martin van Genderen, Martin de Graaff, Barry Veneman The Working Group started reporting what are the possibilities in several National Federations, in many cases starting with Minibikes, Standard Classes and International Competitions. International competitions are, for example, Alpe Adria Road Racing Championship, Internationale Deutsche Motorradmeisterschaft, Campionato Italiano di Velocità, North European Cup and FIM CEV Repsol. At the base of the Pyramid
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FIM Europe News

Top Speedway returns to Stadion Śląski in Chorzów (Poland)

Save the date: after 15 years top Speedway will return to the Stadion Śląski in Chorzów. The final event of the Individual Speedway European Championship will be organized on 15 September 2018. The stadium has been fully renovated and is now a very modern and state of the art facility, with a capacity of 50.000 spectators. History is still important in Chorzów: It was in 1973 when Polish Speedway legend Jerzy Szczakiel became the first Polish Speedway World Champion. He won the title in front of an enthusiastic crowd of more than 100.000 spectators after a run-off with the defending World Champion and all-time great Ivan Mauger from New Zealand. FIM Europe´s promotion partner One Sport presented the project on the occasion of a press conference in the Stadion Śląski, assisted by representatives from the regional Government, the Stadion, PZM and last, but not least, FIM Europe. From left, Wojciech
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FIM Europe News

FIM Europe meets FEMA and FIVA in Brussels (Belgium)

FIM and FIM Europe, FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations) and FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens), which are the associations which represent the different aspects of Motorcycling met all together in Brussels, Belgium. A review was held of all the major topics about the world of motorcycling under discussion in this period at international level: from self-driving cars to mobility tests to offroad circulation. From left, Morten Hansen FEMA, Ian Churchlow FEMA , Doede Bakker FIVA, Rolf Frieling FEMA, Jesper Christensen FIM, Francesca Marozza FIM Europe, Palmino Poli FIVA, Dolf Willinger FEMA, Silvio Manicardi FIM Europe, Wim Taal FEMA. Photo ©Wim Taal During the meeting, the results of some mobility tests in towns were analysed, where the motorcycle resulted to be the fastest vehicle to move around in cities (in some cases PTWs’ transfers take half of the time with respect to public vehicles or cars). There was also an
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