
About FIM Europe


2020 World Environmental Day

2020 World Environmental Day Dear FIM Europe members, this year the theme chosen to celebrate the World Environment Day on June 5th is biodiversity. Biodiversity is the great variety of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that make up our planet. It seems superfluous to remember the importance of biodiversity for the balance of life on our planet. Thanks to this balance are guaranteed food, clean water and in general all the fundamental resources for our survival. It’s therefore necessary to pay great attention to the impact of our activities on the environment to ensure that the earth, thanks to its unique characteristic of regenerating and adapting to changes, can continue to fulfil its task of ensuring life for all living beings that populate it. The world of motorcycling does not escape from this general rule and therefore must do everything to carry out its activity with respect for the environment
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe announces the cancellation of the Congress in Prague

FIM Europe announces the cancellation of the Congress in Prague Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and emergency in all the European countries at different times, the FIM Europe announces the cancellation of the FIM Europe Congress 2020. As in our continent have been taken home isolation measures, with the stop of all production activities and all sporting events, in addition to the closure of some borders and the stop of flights to and from the country itself, it’s impossible to hold the FIM Europe Congress in Prague from 2nd to 4th July 2020. The General Assembly of the FIM Europe will be held on the occasion of the next FIM one at the end of the year. Venue and date will be decided following the developments of the COVID-19 emergency. Further communications will follow with the information about the connection with the FIM General Assembly.  
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About FIM Europe

Issue #01 FIM Europe Magazine is now online!

Issue #01 FIM Europe Magazine is now online! The FIM Europe is proud to announce that FIM Europe Magazine issue #01 2020 is now online! In this tough moment of emergency, pay attention to Mr President’s Point of View and the general FIM Europe’s overview on the Coronavirus outbreak. Then, at the beginning of this 2020, number #01 starts the year with a recap of the last events of the FIM Europe world: news, races and meetings. Click here to read the brand-new issue of FIM Europe Magazine or download it for free. Enjoy the reading!
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About FIM Europe

Coronavirus Emergency

Coronavirus Emergency Point of view by the FIM Europe and President Mr Martin de Graaff Worldwide the situation becomes every day tougher. The Coronavirus outbreak emergency is changing our way of life and habits. The FIM Europe is living an extreme moment, never happened before, and is preparing to face the coming months by implementing changes in the calendars and the way sporting events will be held. Many rounds have already been cancelled, even if the aim of the FIM Europe is to run with all the programmed races, but also to postpone other future events if that becomes necessary. This is a tough decision, motivated by the spirit of full cooperation with the current and future regulations, considering the difficult situation in Europe and the fact that the European Governments are communicating provisions in order to face the emergency. Mr Martin De Graaff, FIM Europe President “This is a
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About FIM Europe

2020 FIM Europe Congress in Prague – Change of date

2020 FIM Europe Congress in Prague – Change of date FIM Europe announces that 2020 FIM Europe Congress will took place from Thursday July 2nd to Saturday 4th instead of 9th to 11th. The decision was made following a request of the ACCR President, Mr Jan Stovicek, who asked to move the Congress date, originally planned from 9th to 11th July, one week earlier, thus from 2nd to 4th July 2020. In this way the Congress will not take place at the same time as the first MotoGP event at Kimy Ring, Finland: when the Congress in Prague was approved by the GA 2018, the 2020 calendar was still not planned. Considering the urgency for all the involved parties to start to organise flights and accommodation, the FIM Europe Executive Board decided to accept the proposed change, moving the date of the FIM Europe Congress in Prague to 2nd-4th July 2020. Confirming in a definitive way the
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About FIM EuropeNon-Sporting News

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy After the Sporting Commissions Meetings of October and November, on Saturday 18th January the FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings was held in Fiumicino, Italy, at the presence of the FIM Europe President Mr. Martin de Graaff, the Secretary General Mr. Alessandro Sambuco and the 2nd Deputy President Mr. Silvio Manicardi. Also present Silvia Monatti and Andrea Diamantini, responsible for non-sporting matters in the office. Many topics were discussed by the Non-Sporting Commissions: the Environment Commission chaired by Mr. Adamo Leonzio, the Touring Commission chaired by Mr. Nils Freivalds, the Public Affairs Commission chaired by Mr. Dimitris Margaritis and the Marketing, Promotion & Industry Commission chaired by Mr. Blagoja Petrovski. The four commissions discussed interesting and important issues, not only for the coming year, but for the long term development of FIM Europe. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “A few important issues
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About FIM Europe

International Conference on Road Safety for Motorcyclists

International Conference on Road Safety for Motorcyclists The FIM Europe is glad to announce the partnership with AISICO S.r.l. and ERF (European Union Road Federation) for the International Conference on Road Safety for Motorcyclists scheduled on September 20th from 9:00 to 17:30 in the AISICO Test House & Lab in Pereto, near Aquila, Italy. The main objective of the conference is to raise awareness among experts by analysing from different points of view the problems related to motorcyclists’ road safety. It is estimated that the risk of becoming involved in a fatal accident or with serious consequences is 35 times higher than a car driver (*under equal conditions). The latest ACI-ISTAT report of 2017 shows that the number of road fatalities among motorcyclists rose by 11.9% compared to 2016, becoming the category at most risk. The conference would be an opportunity to discuss the topic. The first part of the
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About FIM Europe

2019 Motocross Of European Nations

2019 Motocross Of European Nations The FIM Europe is glad to announce the Motocross Of European Nations will take place on 5th-6th October in Gdańsk, Poland. We invite all the interested Nations and Teams to subscribe the entry connecting to the following link:
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About FIM EuropeNon-Sporting

FIM Europe Road Safety and Mobility Conference in Zagreb

FIM Europe Road Safety and Mobility Conference in Zagreb FIM Europe is pleased to inform that the papers presented at the Road Safety and Mobility Conference during the FIM Europe Congress in Zagreb are available on line at this link: The Conference, held on 5th July at the Sheraton Hotel, deals with the most important and updated topics of the matter and was broadcasted in youtube live streaming with the presence of the 2nd Deputy President Mr. Silvio Manicardi. The main theme was the “basic and advanced training” in order to reduce the numbers of the accident and death on the road. At the conference spoke: Matthew Baldwin, European Commission Deputy Director-General for Mobility and Transport - “Basic training challenges: novice riders in a modern traffic environment” Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of ACEM, “Advanced PTW training: key elements for a qualitative program” Dolf Willigers, Secretary General of FEMA,  “Constrains of
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About FIM EuropeNon-Sporting

Open registration for the 2019 FIM Europe Club event in Croatia

Open registration for the 2019 FIM Europe Club event in Croatia The FIM Europe and the Croatian Motorcycle Federation (HMS) are pleased to announce that the registration for the 2019 FIM Europe Club event in Croatia are now open! The FIM-Europe Club Experience 2019 will be held on the Coast of Croatia from the 20th to the 22nd of September 2019: the journey will start in Grobnik Race Track and will finish in Skradin, stopping in Rijeka and Vransko lake. The event is dedicated to the European FMNs, the Management Council Members, the FIM, the Internal Auditors, the Commission and Panel Members, the Honorary Members and the Regional Associations. We kindly ask you to send your inscription form not later than 31st July 2019 to Click here for more info
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