
About FIM Europe

About FIM EuropeNon-Sporting

FIM Sustainability Week

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FIM Sustainability Week As every year, the FIM Europe family is preparing to celebrate the United Nations World Environment Day, an opportunity to celebrate our achievements in the field of environmental protection and sustainability. This event has grown more and more with the passing of the years and now more than ever shows its importance given the worsening of the global situation of the environment mainly linked to the greenhouse effect but not only. This year the world of motorcycling, integral part of human activities, has decided to take a step forward compared to past by not limiting itself to the day celebration, but by extending this period of awareness on the need to make its activities more sustainable. With this in mind, the FIM has called the FIM Sustainability Week for the period between May 31st and June 6th. In the wake of this initiative, the FIM Europe also invites
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe announces the cancellation of the Congress in Belgrade

FIM Europe announces the cancellation of the Congress in Belgrade   The FIM Europe, according to the Serbian Federation, regrets to announce the cancellation of the FIM Europe Congress 2021 scheduled from 8th to 11th July 2021 in Belgrade due to the uncertain situation because of the Coronavirus pandemic. This tough decision comes as it’s still hard to predict how the situation will be in about two months and because of the different travel restrictions all over Europe and the quarantine rules. The FIM Europe is discussing and agreeing with the FIM to hold the General Assembly in Montecarlo in December. Instead, the FIM Europe Commissions will meet by means of Zoom platform, on the original dates of the Congress in July.
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About FIM Europe

Issue #01 FIM Europe Magazine is now online!

Issue #01 FIM Europe Magazine is now online! The FIM Europe is proud to announce that FIM Europe Magazine issue #01 2021 is now online! At the beginning of this new year we are still fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic, but with renewed hope and optimism we look toward the new sporting season. Let’s give a look back to the institutional events of this first quarter such as the FIM Europe General Assembly, the Management Council and the Non-Sporting Commissions. Click here to read the brand-new issue of FIM Europe Magazine or download it for free. Enjoy the reading!
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Management Council

FIM Europe Management Council After a short meeting one day prior to the General Assembly in Geneva last January, the first Management Council took place face-to-face at the FIM Europe headquarters in Fiumicino (Rome) and via videoconference yesterday, Thursday 30th March 2021. The day before the Internal Auditors have received all the necessary information from the Financial Department and have checked the 2020 Financial Situation with a positive feedback. In addition, the Council addressed the 2021 budget with a large view on the season as is still tough to predict how the situation will develop: it depends on the second half of the season, the organization of the Congress and more uncertain circumstances. From a sporting view, all Sporting Commissions are waiting for the start of the season: all regulations are on paper and the calendars are confirmed even if with some postponements. All vice-presidents reported about the issues form
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About FIM Europe

General Assembly AAMU

General Assembly AAMU From left to right: Davor Komšić (MS BiH delegate and chairman of MX and Enduro Commission), Milos Balaz (SMF delegate), Cristian Farinelli (Secretary General AAMU), Peter Balaz (former SMF rider), Robert Zikovic (AAMU President), Goran Lovric (AMSS delegate), Martin Hejduk (Sporting Director AAMU) Božidar Mihailović (AMSS President). Yesterday, Saturday 27th March 2021, the General Assembly of the Alpe Adria Motorcycle Union (AAMU) took place in Opatija, Croatia, at the presence of the FIM Europe President Mr Martin de Graaff. The event was held in a double way, virtual and in presence according to the anti Covid-19 regulations, and all the member Nations participates. The assembly approved all the results of the 2020 season and the prize giving ceremony took place with the help of all FMNs. The calendars for 2021 have been confirmed and published at the following link: The main topic of the day was
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About FIM Europe

The FIM Europe 2021 Yearbook is now available

The FIM Europe 2021 Yearbook is now available The FIM Europe is glad to inform that the new issue of the FIM Europe Yearbook is now online. The open version can be downloaded for free here, while the full edition is available in the reserved area of FIM Europe official website. In the table of contents, the welcome from the FIM Europe President Mr Martin de Graaff, the story, the organization and the structure of FIM Europe, as well as info about International and National Organizations, Federations and Regional Associations, the 2020 sporting results, the roll of honour of European Championships and Cups.  
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe General Assembly

FIM Europe General Assembly From left to right: Mr Jorge Viegas (FIM President), Mr Martin De Graaff (FIM Europe President), Mr Alessandro Sambuco (Secretary General) The FIM Europe General Assembly took place face-to-face and via videoconference today 28th January 2021 from a broadcasting studio in Geneva, Switzerland. The event, originally scheduled in July 2020 on the occasion of the FIM Europe Congress in Prague, has been postponed due to the Coronavirus emergency. So, in the framework of this virtual conference, the FIM Europe faced its first official virtual Congress with extremely positive feedback in order of number of participants (40 Federations connected) and engagement. From the FIM Headquarters the FIM Europe President, Mr Martin De Graaff, the FIM President, Mr Jorge Viegas and the Secretary General, Mr Alessandro Sambuco welcomed all the National Federations members, starting a successful virtual Congress. After the official opening of the FIM Europe President, the
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Management Council

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FIM Europe Management Council In view of the close FIM Europe General Assembly, the FIM Europe Management Council met today, 27th January 2021, via videoconference from the FIM Headquarters in Mies, Switzerland, at the presence of the FIM President Mr Jorge Viegas. The Secretary General Mr Alessandro Sambuco informed the Management Council about the situation voting rights of the numerous Federations, waiting for a big attendance. Moreover, the FIM Europe President Mr Martin De Graaff, the 1st Deputy President Mr Michal Sikora and the Treasurer Mr Juhani Halme presented a short version of their yearly reports in view of tomorrow’s General Assembly. Originally, the General Assembly would have to take place in occasion of the FIM Europe Congress 2020 in Prague, but due to the Coronavirus emergency, it was postponed and will be held tomorrow with Zoom from FIM Headquarters. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “The Management Council
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions On Saturday 16th January the FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings were held in a virtual way with Zoom Video Communications platform. Besides the commission’s members, the virtual meetings were also attended by the FIM Europe President Mr. Martin de Graaff and the 2nd Deputy President Mr. Silvio Manicardi. Also present Silvia Monatti and Andrea Diamantini, responsible for non-sporting matters in the office. At the end of the meetings the chairmen came together to point out the outcome of the meetings to the President of the Non-Sporting Council Mr Silvio Manicardi. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “Caused by the cancellation of the FIM Europe Congress last summer, the last meeting was in January 2020 in Fiumicino. Fortunately, the commission members went on with the most urgent items and developments in the internal contacts even if a lot of normal activities could not be continued. Plans were made for
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About FIM EuropeNational Federations

FIM Europe Snowmobile Week 2021

FIM Europe Snowmobile Week 2021 The Coronavirus emergency does not stop the passion for the Motorsport. As in previous years, FIM Europe together with the Finnish Motorcycling Federation and the Snowmobile Guide Association Finland, is planning a FIM Europe Snow-Mobile Week to offer a unique snowmobile experience combined with European motorsports co-operation and workshops in the exotic Finnish Lapland. In order to give the possibility to participate even if the Covid -19 situation, the participants have the possibility to plan a “stop and go” - visit to Rovaniemi during the week and decide the arrival and departure dates which ever suites best each participant. During the week from Monday 15.03 to Friday 19.03 a Snowmobile tour of 100-150 kilometers will be organized every day respecting all the Covid-19 restrictions. Entries: Additional information: (EN)  
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