
About FIM Europe

About FIM Europe

First session of FIM Europe Sporting Commissions’ Meetings

First session of FIM Europe Sporting Commissions’ Meetings The first session of the FIM Europe Sporting Commissions’ meetings took place yestarday, October 22nd, in Fiumicino (Rome). A great opportunity to meet and discuss face to face current topics and future plans after the last meetings in occasion of the Congress in Bucharest, held from Wednesday 29th June to Saturday 2nd July. Almost all members were able to attend in person the meetings, of course the FIM Europe President Michal Sikora, the Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco, the 1st Deputy President Manuel Marinheiro and Paola Bianchetti and Silvia D’Amico, responsible for sport matters in the office. Michael Sikora, FIM Europe President “We are just after first session of new sporting commission meetings. This time only three commissions met. Unfortunately, not all the members were able to arrive here in Fiumicino because of many flight cancelations. But again, thanks to technology we were
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About FIM Europe

FIM Rides the World – The FIM Europe family

Schermata 2022-10-20 alle 18.58.39
FIM Rides the World: The FIM Europe Family The FIM dedicated to FIM Europe a special episode of “FIM Rides the World”. The journey continues in Europe, meeting FIM Europe President, Michał Sikora, who tells how what Motorcycling means for the young Riders in this this continent full of motorcycling heritage. Links:
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About FIM Europe

Issue #03 of FIM Europe Magazine now online!

Issue #03 of FIM Europe Magazine now online! The FIM Europe is pleased to share the #03 edition of the FIM Europe Magazine 2022! Issue #03 takes a closer look at the final part of the current sporting season: July, August and September have been months reach of competitions and events, both in road and off-road. There is also a Special Feature on Romano Neri: he is a reference point in the Motorsport as photographer and video maker. Additional contents of th issue #03 of FIM Europe Magazine are dedicated to My Laps and Yamaha’s activities. Click here to read the brand-new FIM Europe Magazine. Enjoy the reading! Visit our FIM Europe Magazine pages
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About FIM Europe

Issue #02 of FIM Europe Magazine now online with a Special Supplement!

Issue #02 of FIM Europe Magazine now online with a Special Supplement! The FIM Europe is glad to announce that the new FIM Europe Magazine issue #02 2022 is now online with a Special Supplement! Issue #02 is a review of the current sporting season: many Championships and Cups are racing their competitions and are in full swing. The Special Supplement celebrates the 2022 FIM Europe Congress. With last two year’s editions cancelled due to COVID restrictions, the FIM Europe family finally met again from Wednesday 29th June to Saturday 2nd July inside the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bucharest, Romania. The glittering European capital city was no stranger to hosting this prestigious occasion and last hosted the Congress back in 1999, and once more proved to be a successful event. The main event was the General Assembly with the election of Michal Sikora as new FIM Europe President. Also eight Vice-Presidents,
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About FIM Europe

Internal Audit and Management Council Meeting

MC april 2022
Internal Audit and Management Council Meeting in Sorrento Left to right: Martin Lazdovskis, Nicoleta Olariu, Alessandro Sambuco, Silvio Manicardi, Martin de Graaff, Michal Sikora, Jiri Sitina, Manuel Marinheiro, Andrzej Witkowski, Jean-Marc Desnues. The splendid backdrop of the Sorrento Peninsula hosted the Internal Audit on April 6th and the FIM Europe Management Council Meeting on April 7th. The particular location celebrated these last two official appointments before the elective Congress in Bucharest which will mark the end of this 2018-2022 term. The evocative views, however, did not distract the Internal Auditors, the Financial Department and the Members of the Management Council from completing these important moments of FIM Europe with the usual professionalism and attention. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “On Thursday the Management Council had the last meeting of the mandate of four years, the day prior to this meeting the Internal Auditors controlled the Financial situation of
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About FIM Europe

Issue #01 of FIM Europe Magazine now online!

Issue #01 of FIM Europe Magazine now online! The FIM Europe is proud to announce that the new FIM Europe Magazine issue #01 2022 is now online! It has been totally renewed: a new, more modern and attractive graphic design, with the aim of always giving visibility and attention to every discipline and topic. A new season is beginning and we are still fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic, but we are also facing a new crisis: the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. FIM Europe took its position together with FIM. Let’s focus on the first competitions and some FIM Europe activities, such us the FIM Europe Club, the Environment Commission activities and the job done by the Public Affair Commission. Click here to read the brand-new FIM Europe Magazine or download it for free. Enjoy the reading! Visit our FIM Europe Magazine pages.
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Club Lapland Experience 2022

FIM Europe Club Lapland Experience 2022 in Rovaniemi, Finland The FIM Europe Club Lapland Experience 2022 took place in Rovaniemi, Finland, from 15th to 19th March, organized in collaboration with the SML Suomen Moottoriliitto. The two-year suspension due to the COVID pandemic has made this resume edition a special event even if what is happening in Ukraine has made it difficult to face these days with the necessary good humour. However, the event was a success in terms of participation and as the development of an articulated and exciting program. The more than twenty participants were able to enjoy the breath-taking views and magical atmospheres evoked by the snow that accompanied the last day of the excursion. Surely the place of honour as an experience out of the ordinary is assigned to riding a snowmobile, an unusual vehicle for the majority of participants, many of them in their first riding
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe President participated to the FIM Board of Directors

FIM announces its decisions in relation to the Russian invasion of Ukraine Today, 5 March 2022, the FIM Europe President participated to the FIM Board of Directors, held in an extraordinary meeting in relation to the situation in Ukraine. After having carefully considered the International Olympic Committee recommendations and the specificity of our sport, the Board of Directors has unanimously condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Henceforth the following provisional urgent and protective decisions have been taken which are effective immediately and stay in force until further notice. To suspend, for the Motorcycle Federation of Russia (MFR) and the Belarusian Federation of Motorcycle Sport (BFMS), the issuance of FIM/FIM Europe licences and the FIM/FIM Europe licences already distributed. To suspend the functions of persons from MFR and BFMS acting as FIM/FIM Europe Officials and as Commissions members/experts/agents of the FIM/FIM Europe. As a result, no Russian and Belarusian riders, teams
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About FIM Europe

The FIM Europe 2022 Yearbook is available

The FIM Europe 2022 Yearbook is available The FIM Europe is glad to inform that the 2022 FIM Europe Yearbook is now available. The open version can be downloaded for free here, while the full edition is available in the reserved area of the FIM Europe official website. In the table of contents, the welcome from the FIM Europe President Mr Martin de Graaff and the FIM Europe Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco, the story, the organization and the structure of the FIM Europe, as well as info about International and National Organizations, Federations and Regional Associations. There are also the 2021 sporting results, the roll of honour of the European Championships and Cups and a preview on the 2022 sporting year.  
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About FIM Europe

AAMU General Assembly and BMU meeting

AAMU - Alpe Adria Motorcycle Union General Assembly and BMU – Balkan Motorcycle Union meeting in Bucharest Yesterday 29th January two Regional Associations of FIM Europe organised their General Assembly. The President Martin de Graaff and the Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco attended the AAMU - Alpe Adria Motorcycle Union General Assembly in Perugia (ITA). At the AAMU GA 9 Federations joined the meeting in presence or by Zoom. It is good to notice that in 2022 the competition will consist of 5 Championships, Circuit Racing is the most important discipline, besides this Motocross and Extreme Enduro are starting competitions in the coming year. All management reports and the budget were approved. The host Federation FMI was represented by the President Giovanni Copioli. In the break of this meeting the FIM Europe and Alpe Adria Presidents were connected by zoom to the meeting of the BMU – Balkan Motorcycle Union in
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