FIM Europe News

European Open 65 cc Cup at Orlyonok (Russia)


With temperatures hovering well above 30 degree’s Celsius, combined with scorching humidity, the world’s fastest motocross kids took on their first challenge of the weekend here in Orlyonok, Russia, where the qualifying sessions for the European Open 65cc Cup, took place.

The sun baked rocky surface of Orlyonok meant traction was scarce, and throttle control and line choice was of the essence. On a track so slick, and hilly, the key is to carry momentum. You don’t want to be getting hard on the gas and lighting up, wheel spin means you’re not accelerating and on a surface this hard, all you’ll be doing is burning rubber and destroying your tire.
In The European Open 65cc Cup welcome to the Alexey Orlov show! Orlov was on fire today as he stomped the qualifying session with an amazing time of 2:08.604. The little Russian put on a fine display of riding for his friends and family, and set the pace, a whopping 2.4 seconds faster than fellow Russian, Kirill Vorobyov who finished the day as the second fastest rider. While the Russians stole the show, the Latvian’s might have something to say come race day. Karlis Reisulis and Edvards Bidzans were also feeling the flow. Both were only 1 second off of Vorobyov’s pace, so they could work out how to find that valuable time during track walk tonight. Meanwhile, a pair of Ilia’s, in the form of Ilia Krasnitskiy and Ilia Khabirov rounded out the top six.


European Open 65cc Qualifying Practice Top Ten: 1. Aleksey Orlov (RUS, KTM), 2:08.604; 2. Kirill Vorobyev (RUS, KTM), +0:02.452; 3. Karlis Alberts Reisulis (LAT, KTM), +0:03.547; 4. Edvards Bidzans (LAT, KTM), +0:04.132; 5. Ilia Krasnitskiy (RUS, KTM), +0:09.200; 6. Ilia Khabirov (RUS, KTM), +0:10.708; 7. Sergey Glebkin (RUS, KTM), +0:10.968; 8. Maksim Ulianov (RUS, KTM), +0:12.232; 9. Arseny Grishchuk (RUS, KTM), +0:13.487; 10. Georgiy Gusev (RUS, KTM), +0:14.443
Photos @Youthstream