FIM Europe News

EMX 65 and 85 North East Zone and Open at Olsztyn (Poland)

IMG 9332 lowThe beautiful land of Warmia hosted the European Motocross Championship. On Saturday, under a clear blue sky, 91 riders from 3 classes (the most numerous was EMX65 and was divided into two groups), took part to qualifications.

The winners of the qualifying races are as follows:
•    EMX65 Group A – Eduards Bidzans (LAT)
•    EMX65 Group B – Kirill Vorobyew (RUS)
•    EMX85 – Svyatoslav Pronenko (RUS)
•    EMX OPEN – Dmytro Asmanov (UKR)

The weather conditions on Sunday were difficult. In the morning it was very sunny, with high temperature. In the early afternoon rainclouds gathered, it was windy luckly only after the races were over, heavy rain started.

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Class EMX65
The riders to catch the podium Race1 were Eduards Bidzans (LAT), Kirill Vorobyew (RUS) and Janis Kubulins (LAT). On the podium of Race2 we saw: Kirill Vorobyev, Eduards Bidzans and Karlis Albers Reisulis (LAT). The winner of the overall in the EMX65 class is Kirill Vorobyevwbefore Eduards Bidzans and Karlis Albers Reisulis.
Class EMX85
The winner of Race1 is Svyatoslav Pronenko (RUS), who finished the race before Allar Pent (EST) and Artsiom Sazanavets (BLR). In Race2  Allar Pent won in front of Jorgen Matthias Talviku (EST) and Artsiom Sazanavets. The winner of the overall in the EMX85 class is Allar Pent, in front of Svyatoslav Pronenko and Jorgen Matthias Talviku.
The winner of Race1 is Dmytro Asmanov (UKR) in front of Evgeny Tyletsky (BLR) and Ondrej Brendl (CZE). In Race2 the winner is Dmytro Asmanov, before Ondrej Brendl and Uladzislau Makhnou (BLR). The winner  of the overall in the EMX OPEN class is Dmytro Asmanov, who finished before Ondrej Brendl and Evgeny Tyletski.
Full results on FIM Europe website: