FIM Europe News

EMX 65, EMX 85 NW and ITP Quad at Moorgrund (Germany)

EMX MoorgrundMoorgrund is in Thueringen, an area in the former Eastern territories of Germany.  Dr. Martin Luther’s father was born here and the well known Luther’s town – Eisenach – with its famous Wartburg Castle is only 20 kms away.

Motocross has a long tradition in this area, with important events which have taken place here since 1956. The venue of the track changed after 1989 and a new track has meanwhile been built in Moorgrund: “Am Heiligenberg”.
In EMX 65 NW qualifying Mads Fredsoe from Denmark was the fastest in front of Maximilian Werner from Germany and Liam Everts from Belgium.
In EMX 85 NW Eric Tomas from Spain will start ahead of Rasmus Pedersen, from Denmark and Lewis Hall, from Great Britain.
In ITP EMX Quad, the results of qualifying see Edgars Mengelis, from Latvia, ahead of French Adrian Mangieu and of Dutch Mike Van Grinsven.
Full results on FIM Europe website: