FIM Europe News

European Indoor Super Enduro in Lodz (Poland)

2010genovaThe European Indoor Super Enduro is back with the race at Lodz, in Poland, the next December 5th.

It will be the Atlas Arena in Lodz, under the direction of Lódzki Klub Motorowy, to host the FIM Europe Super Enduro Cup, a single race of indoor enduro open to riders from European Federations, who will compete in a race with the best world specialists. The event, in fact, is valid for the FIM World Championship Super Enduro, too.
The track is indoor, easily accessible for spectators, built in a beautiful venue in Lodz for professionals riders of off road, and it will certainly be a wonderful stage for the European riders.
FIM and FIM Europe together, then, with the World Cup race and with the European Cup for the riders who normally participate in the European Enduro Championship or to the various national championships.
FIM Europe Cup will see 32 riders compete in heats and finals. The rules to participate are simple: the European riders simply have national license and permission of the respective federation.
The last European Indoor Cup was held five years ago in the exhibition centre of Genoa, in Italy. One more reason not to miss the event of next December  5th.