FIM Europe News

Management activities of the FIM Europe

IMG 2396 webFrom the left, Silvio Manicardi, Jean-Marc Desnues, Silvia Monatti, Alessandro Sambuco, Martin de Graaff, Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President, Juhani Halme, Nina Birjukova, Michal Sikora, Laurent Delbroek, Rodolfo Romeo, Michel Turk, Paola Bianchetti

Following the natural succession of the management activities planned during the year for the FIM Europe, this is a period full of commitments.

The annual meeting of the Board of the Auditors for the usual internal auditing took place on 10th April at the premises of the General Secretariat in Rome. The meeting was preceded by the election of the Chairman Mr. Laurent Delbroek (FMB).

The following day, the 11th April, at the Tiber Hotel in Fiumicino, also the Management Council Meeting was held. A long and challenging meeting, given the amount of topics to be discussed but, at the same time, satisfactory as held in a very positive and constructive atmosphere, where every member has offered his personal contribution.

Among the most significant issues covered topics from the agenda we can find political, sporting, non-sporting, organizational, financial, Marketing, Merchandising and Communication issues. The preparation of the FIM Europe Congress in Malta (2 – 5 July 2015) is proceedig according to plans. The first official document will be sent next week to the European Federations.

The Members of the Management Council used the occasion to attend on Sunday, April 12th, the European Enduro Championship event held in Rieti, located 80 km from Rome. Fine weather in a wonderful natural frame and a massive participation of riders coming from 17 Countries offered a great sporting event.

Enduro web
From the left Silvio Manicardi, Gianfranco d’Orazi, Alessandro Sambuco, Dr. Wolfgang Srb, Rodolfo Romeo, Nina Birjukova, Martin de Graaff, Michal Sikora, Jean-Marc Desnues