FIM Europe News

FIM Europe Congress 2024 – Day 3

FIM Europe Congress 2024
Day 3

From left: Laurent Delbroek (Chairman of Auditors), Nicoleta Melania Olariu, Stijn Rentmeesters, Roy N. Wetterstadt (2nd Deputy President), Michal Sikora (FIM Europe President), Alessandro Sambuco (General Secretary), Manuel Marinheiro (1st Deputy President), Juhani Halme, Jean Marc Desnues, Francesco Carmelo Mezzasalma.

The 28th edition of the FIM Europe Congress has officially ended with the third and last day of meetings at the Hilton Rome Airport in Fiumicino.

In the morning, the FIM Europe Management Council met for the second time in view of the General Assembly, which took place in the afternoon in the presence of the representatives of 37 National Federations.

The Ordinary Assembly started at 2 pm with the official opening by FIM Europe President Mr Michal Sikora and the welcome of FMI President Mr Giovanni Copioli.

The 2024 Congress began with the approval of the minutes of the 2023 General Assembly in Zaragoza and the official report of the FIM Europe President. Then the stage went to Silvia Monatti (Head of Financial Department), who presented the report of the Treasurer Mr José Ramon Garcia, and to Mr Laurent Delbroek for the report of the Auditors.

After the presentation of the 2023 balance sheet and the 2024 budget approval, the Chairman of the Sporting Council Mr Manuel Marinheiro and Beyond Sporting Councils Mr Roy N. Wetterstad introduced their Chairmen and Chairwomen for their reports to the floor.

Therefore, long and loyal service awards were presented to the following National Federations:

  • KNMV – Koninklijke Nederlandse Motorrijders Vereniging – 120th Anniversary
  • ACCR – The Autoclub of the Czech Republic -120th Anniversary
  • Swiss Moto – 110th Anniversary
  • DMU – Danmarks Motor Union – 110th Anniversary
  • HMS – Hrvatski Motociklisticki Savez – 100th Anniversary
  • LaMSF – Latvian Motorcyclist Federation – 100th Anniversary
  • BMF – Bulgarian Motorcycle Federation – 100th Anniversary
  • FMRM – Federatia de Motociclism din Republica Moldova – 25th Anniversary

The General Assembly ended with the presentation of the 2025 FIM Europe Congress, which is set to be held in Malta.

Before the closing, the President of the Ukrainian Federation, Mr Vadym Kopylov, took the stage thanking all the Federations for their closeness in this tough moment.

Michal Sikora – FIM Europe President
“We have just concluded the third and last day of the FIM Europe Congress in Fiumicino, Italy. It was a fruitful three days of work and discussions about motorcycling with sporting and beyond sporting matters. This morning the Management Council made the last decisions, while in the afternoon the General Assembly ran smoothly. We are just now looking forward to a fantastic FMI Gala Dinner, that will take place at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome”.

FMI – Italian Motorcycle Federation
FIM Europe Congress